Network of Excellence

NEWCOM# (Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications) is a project funded under the umbrella of the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission. NEWCOM# pursues long-term, interdisciplinary research on the most advanced aspects of wireless communications like Finding the Ultimate Limits of Communication Networks, Opportunistic and Cooperative Communications, or Energy- and Bandwidth-Efficient Communications and Networking.

Complementarily, NEWCOM# aims to build the so-called EUropean lab of Wireless communications for the future Internet (EuWin), a federation of three sites in three European Countries that will host researchers working on a number of topical areas like Advanced Radio Interfaces, the Internet of Things, and Flexible Communication Terminals.

The NEWCOM# project also encompasses a number of initiatives aimed to foster excellence like the creation of seasonal schools, a series of publications on journals and books, and an action directed towards strengthening relations with European companies, which will participate to the NoE as “Associate Partners”, through a number of in-company dissemination events.

NEWCOM# capitalizes on the high degree of integration in research that consortium partners already attained in a predecessor project, NEWCOM++. Still, the project aims to further strengthen the integration of partners’ research activities and agendas, both at the theoretical and experimental level. In total, 14 partners with excellent scientific backgrounds and outstanding publication records participate in NEWCOM#.